Site of the Week: The Pear Tree’s Featured Site is all for the ladies this week! Fall is in the air, and aside from the leaves changing color and Pumpkin Spice… Read More »Site of the Week: The Pear Tree’s Featured Site is all for the ladies this week! Fall is in the air, and aside from the leaves changing color and Pumpkin Spice… Read More »Site of the Week: The Pear Tree
I could go for a Vodka Lemonade right now, but a spin through the Lemon Diva’s website was just as refreshing! Site owner Chrissa Michelle… Read More »Site of the Week: Lemon Divas
Hi everyone
Today we released a brand new version of My Yola (the page you see when you log in to Yola) as a Beta feature to a small percentage of our users. We are incredibly excited about the changes, and I’m going to spend some time going through them, but first, just a couple of important notes:
We’re rolling out a new release today that includes some exciting changes to the Sitebuilder, including more help text, removal of placeholder text from published… Read More »New Release Today!
Reptile Party, Inc. is busy “making the world a better place one snake at a time,” and we’re so glad they chose to help!… Read More »Site of the Week: Reptile Party, Inc.
It’s been awhile since we’ve whet your appetite and ours by showing off one of our more tasty websites. Ming Makes Cupcakes is a delectable… Read More »Site of the Week: Ming Makes Cupcakes
Yesterday was a very difficult day for Yola and our customers. Yola’s servers were attacked unexpectedly and maliciously by as yet unknown individuals and/or groups, bringing down all of our hosted websites as well as our service provider’s entire datacenter.
The thing Yola cares about most is providing a world class service to all our customers, and doing so consistently and reliably. When our servers are attacked, your website is attacked. We don’t take this lightly. We worked around the clock to bring the service back up, and talked to you in our customer community forum, Twitter, Facebook and email during the outage to answer your questions and keep you up-to-date.
We’re posting this information on our blog now to tell you what happened, what we’re going to do about it in the future, and, most importantly, to apologize. Regardless of the reasons, your website was down. Please know that however frustrated we were with the situation, we understand you were more so. We’re very sorry.
Here’s what happened and what we plan to do about it:
Here at we provide a powerful tool enabling users to build a website on their own website while offering expert guidance along the way… Read More »Site of the Week: Box it Design