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Part 5, Sparky Happiness Consultant


This week Sparky is looking to start promoting his website.  Although his site is live, he hasn’t had that many visitors yet as he isn’t showing in Google.  Natural search engine listings take a little while to show but Sparky wants to be at the top of Google straight away so he has decided to set up some paid search ads using Google AdWords.

As Sparky is extremely busy, he did the AdWords set up over the phone.  It was a completely free service offered by Google and it meant that his ads were set up quickly and easily.  To start off with he used the $50 AdWords credit he received when he purchased his custom domain.  He then set the maximum he would pay for a click at $1 and the maximum he would pay a day $10.  As Sparky is based in the Bay Area, he has targeted his adverts to only show to users searching in that area.  That way his daily budget would last even longer.

You can see his advert below and he can’t wait for the bookings to come rolling in.


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